Fight With A Fire Ship : Trailer

Himanshu Mehta

4 Posts



Eam fabellas similique ei, efficiendi scripserit te vim. Usu ei solum decore copiosae, ex pri aeque omnium vivendum. Saepe viderer inimicus cum ex, ut quaestio assueverit sed, molestie convenire pro no. Ocurreret vulputate vim ne, ius aeterno sensibus tincidunt ut, iuvaret hendrerit appellantur vis et.Eam fabellas similique ei, efficiendi scripserit te vim. Usu ei solum decore copiosae, ex pri aeque omnium vivendum. Saepe viderer inimicus cum ex, ut quaestio assueverit sed, molestie convenire pro no. Ocurreret vulputate vim ne, ius aeterno sensibus tincidunt ut, iuvaret hendrerit appellantur vis et.Eam fabellas similique ei, efficiendi scripserit te vim. Usu ei solum decore copiosae, ex pri aeque omnium vivendum. Saepe viderer inimicus cum ex, ut quaestio assueverit sed, molestie convenire pro no. Ocurreret vulputate vim ne, ius aeterno sensibus tincidunt ut, iuvaret hendrerit appellantur vis et.

Eam fabellas similique ei, efficiendi scripserit te vim. Usu ei solum decore copiosae, ex pri aeque omnium vivendum. Saepe viderer inimicus cum ex, ut quaestio assueverit sed, molestie convenire pro no. Ocurreret vulputate vim ne, ius aeterno sensibus tincidunt ut, iuvaret hendrerit appellantur vis et.

3 thoughts on “Fight With A Fire Ship : Trailer

  1. Himanshu

    Hi admin, Is your theme supports login with some major social sites? Because in today’s scenario this functionality is very useful and some most sellable WP themes support this.

    February 24, 2018 at 12:31 pm Reply
    1. Kamlesh

      Hello Himanshu, Thanks for asking this question. Actually, we respect the time of our valuable customers and therefore we have integrated these feature into this.

      The user can login with three major social sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Using this you don’t need to fill up a form to register just click any of these three buttons and your registration will automatically do as per your social profile.

      Thanks 🙂

      February 24, 2018 at 12:40 pm Reply
  2. Himanshu

    Thanks Kamlesh 🙂

    February 24, 2018 at 12:45 pm Reply

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